Every Door Direct MailHow? With a USPS program called Every Door Direct Mail!

Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) allows you to reach customers within a specific, targeted area. Your mail piece will be delivered to every active address in the selected area allowing you to reach the customers who matter most to your business, especially in nearby neighborhoods.

There are many benefits of using EDDM:

  • No mailing list is required. Your mail piece will be delivered to every home in a given area, so you do not need to develop a mailing list to use Every Door Direct Mail.
  • No mailing permit is necessary. With Every Door Direct Mail you do not need a mailing permit. This saves money and time by eliminating the application process and ongoing fees involved with obtaining and maintaining a postal permit.
  • Postage as low as $0.16 per piece. Since you can mail flat size pieces as large as 12 inches by 15 inches* for only $0.16 each, you can give your messages a great deal of real estate while taking advantage of a very low postage rate.

To learn more about Every Door Direct Mail and how it can work for you, visit the EDDM page on the United States Postal Service’s websitecheck out this short video on YouTube, or contact your Digital Dog Direct Customer Service Representative today.

*Flat size mailing piece with a maximum thickness of ¾ inch.